Land use mapping - 1999 to 2017 - Queensland

Land use mapping - 1999 to 2017 - Queensland


Title: Land use mapping - 1999 to 2017 - Queensland
Alternative title:
Date: 2023-09-07 (publication)
Presentation form code: mapDigital
Online resource: Online resource:


Abstract / Description:
This dataset is a digital map of the most recent land use of Queensland up to 2017. Land use is classified according to the Australian Land Use and Management Classification (ALUMC).
Indicates the most current primary use or management objective of the land for Queensland.
Additional Information:
The dataset is a product of the Queensland Land use Mapping Program (QLUMP) and was produced by the Queensland Government. The dataset comprises an ESRI vector geodatabase ( at a nominal scale of 1:50,000. The layer is a polygon dataset with each feature having attributes describing land use. Land use is classified according to the Australian Land Use and Management Classification (ALUMC) Version 8, October 2016. Five primary classes are identified in order of increasing levels of intervention or potential impact on the natural landscape. Water is included separately as a sixth primary class. Under the three-level hierarchical structure, the minimum attribution level for land use mapping in Queensland is secondary land use. Primary and secondary levels relate to land use (i.e. the principal use of the land in terms of the objectives of the land manager). The tertiary level includes data on commodities or vegetation, (e.g. crops such as cereals and oil seeds). Where required and possible, attribution is performed to tertiary level. QLUMP maps the land use classes of sugar and cotton consistently to tertiary level. Since 2015, QLUMP includes commodity level classification of banana, avocado, macadamia and mango orchards (dryland and irrigated). Refer to the contact position for additional information regarding source data. Further information relating to land use mapping can be found at and
Language: eng
Character set: unknown


ISO topic category codes: environment, farming, imageryBaseMapsEarthCover, planningCadastre

Spatial Data Information

Spatial representation type: vector
Coordinate Reference System EPSG code: Other
Title: EPSG Geodetic Parameter
Date: 2007-07-16 (revision)
Edition: Version 6.13
Projection: GDA_1994_Australia_Albers (3577)
Spatial resolution:
Equivalent scale: 1 : 50000


Point of contact:
Organisation: Department of Environment and Science
Organisation: Department of Environment and Science


Progress status: completed
Maintenance and update frequency: asNeeded

Data / Resource Constraints

Resource Access Level: -->
Security classification (ISO 19115): unclassified
Use limitation: Unrestricted to all levels of government and community. Dataset is available to all government agencies, community groups and individuals. Dataset will be available to registered users via web delivery tools, for example, the Queensland Spatial Catalogue (QGIS)
Copyright: (as use constraint)
State of Queensland (Department of Environment and Science), June 2019. The Land use of Queensland is a product of the Australian Collaborative Land Use and Management Program (ACLUMP). ACLUMP, of which QLUMP is a partner, promotes the development of consistent information on land use and land management practices. This consortium of Australian, state and territory government partners is critical to providing nationally consistent land use mapping at both catchment and national scale, underpinned by common technical standards including an agreed national land use classification. ACLUMP provides a national land use data directory and the maintenance of land use datasets on Australian and state government data repositories. More information on ACLUMP available at
Licence: (as use constraint)
This material is licensed under a Creative Commons - Attribution 3.0 Australia licence.
Creative Commons License
The Department of Environment and Science requests attribution in the following manner:
© State of Queensland (Department of Environment and Science) 2023.
Intellectual property rights: (as use constraint)
While every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of this information, the Department of Environment and Science makes no representations or warranties about its accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose and disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damage) and costs which might be incurred as a result of the information being inaccurate or incomplete in any way and for any reason. The State of Queensland 2019.

Temporal and Spatial extents:

Bounding box:
West bounding longitude: 137.244792
East bounding longitude: 154.104564
South bounding latitude: -30.308293
North bounding latitude: -8.177429
Temporal extent:
Start: after 1999-01-01 End: before 2017-12-31

Data Quality

Data quality scope:
Level: dataset
Completeness (omission):

Completeness of coverage: All spatial and attribute data are complete for the entire dataset. Completeness of classification: Land use features were captured from a range of source data. Mapping from satellite imagery was generally undertaken to the smallest discrete unit able to be visually interpreted using the visual cues of colour, texture and pattern (approximately one hectare). Land use information from ancillary datasets was captured at the scale of the source data. The resulting land use dataset therefore contains features at a range of scales and resolutions. To promote consistency in the way land use features are handled and represented, project guidelines specify minimum data resolution standards appropriate to various mapping scales. At a scale of 1:50,000 the surface area of the smallest mapped feature is two hectares and minimum width for linear features is 50 metres. Land use classes were assigned according to the Australian Land Use and Management Classification Version 8, May 2016 (Australian Bureau of Agriculture and Resource Economics and Sciences, 2016).
Consistency (conceptual):

To ensure the completeness of the data, the topology rules of "Must Not Overlap" and "Must Not Have Gaps" are valid. The data is to a standard determined as fit for the purpose for which it was collected.
Positional accuracy (external, absolute):

Land use polygons were derived from datasets with a range of scales, as well as on-screen hand digitising from imagery. The positional accuracy of source datasets was variable ranging from approximately 25 metres for information derived from 1:50,000 scale datasets, to 50 metres for information derived from 1:100,000 scale datasets. Hand digitising was undertaken to an error of approximately one millimetre (50 metres at map scale). Where there were inconsistencies between polygon boundaries defined by source datasets (vector coverages) and imagery, they were adjusted to conform to the imagery as this was considered to have higher positional accuracy.
Attribute accuracy (non quantitative):

An independent accuracy assessment of the completed dataset was undertaken using a modified version of the methods described in "Guidelines for land use mapping in Australia: principles, procedures and definitions", 4th edition, 2011 (ABARES). The data is to a standard determined as fit for the purpose for which it was collected.
Attribute accuracy (quantitative):

Several classes were highlighted as being susceptible to misclassification and issues arose which increased uncertainty in others. Livestock grazing occurs on a range of pasture types including native and exotic as well as mixtures of both. Identifying and separating these using imagery, aerial photography and field observation is difficult and unreliable. Areas of pasture which appeared to be harvested for fodder or grazed often were mapped as Cropping (3.3.0). This may contribute to an over-estimation of cropping in the region. Other areas mapped as grazing include road reserves, cleared and uncleared land adjacent to rivers and streams as well as land immediately adjacent to or between cropped paddocks. Other minimal use (1.3.0) and Remnant native cover (1.3.3) may also be confused with this class. The appearance of these can be highly variable and classification may therefore not be consistent. The areas mapped as cropping and irrigated cropping include features such as tracks and drainage lines which are too small to be mapped separately at the scale of 1:50,000. Guidelines for mapping the class 'Intensive animal husbandry' (5.2.0) have changed in ALUMC Version 8. Only the infrastructure associated with intensive animal production should be classified as 5.2.0 (e.g. dairy sheds, 5.2.1). The surrounding pastures should generally mapped as 'Grazing modified pastures' (3.2.0) or 'Grazing irrigated modified pastures' (4.2.0). Rural residential with Agriculture (5.4.2) areas are a source of possible error. Properties on the fringes of suburban settlements, hobby farms and subdivisions in isolated localities with comparatively small lot sizes were mapped to this class. The use of QVAS (valuation information) was useful, based on whether or not the land owner was classified as a primary producer. This class may be misclassified with Grazing native vegetation (2.1.0) and Other Minimal Use (1.3.0), especially on larger properties. The distinction between dryland and irrigated cropping (3.3.0 and 4.3.0) was not always evident and it is likely there is some misclassification in these classes. Proximity to water sources (watercourse or dam) and local knowledge was used to confirm areas of irrigation as much as possible. Areas mapped as irrigated cropping are potentially only irrigated on a supplementary basis and may not have actually been irrigated in 2016. The Queensland Herbarium's wetlands dataset provided the basis for mapping marsh/wetlands (6.5.0), lakes (6.1.0) and reservoir or dams (6.2.0). The ephemeral nature of many of these can lead to confusion insofar as they may be present in imagery of one date and either absent or of differing extent in imagery of subsequent or previous dates. For this reason, only wetlands, lakes and dams that were commonly or permanently inundated were included in the dataset. As a result, there is likely to be errors & omissions and some disagreement in the mapping of features such as farm dams, reservoirs, lakes, wetlands & other water features. Many water features whilst exceeding the minimum mappable area requirements, do not meet the criteria for linear or uniform features. The land use datasets are a snapshot of what was interpreted as the primary land use for a particular year. However, effort was given to distinguishing between an actual land use change and a rotation. For example, an area that is usually cropped, but is not used for that particular purpose in the year of interest, was still mapped as cropping even though no crop was present in that year. This was not considered an actual land use change, but rather a rotation, as the primary land use for that paddock would still be cropping. The revised land use mapping has been improved through the interpretation of the most suitable imagery available. On occasion this will be Landsat (30m), which raises some uncertainty in respect of accurately classifying the intensive land use classes. The minimum mapping unit (2ha) also contributes to the uncertainty through the aggregation of otherwise individual land use features, particularly at cadastral parcel level. These limitations may therefore lead to omission and commission errors in the classification of the intensive land use classes in earlier mapping products and the land use change products which are derived from them.
Completeness (commission - excess data):

Delineation of land use attributes was based on visual interpretation of multi-temporal Landsat, Earth-I and SPOT6 and SPOT7 satellite imagery, high-res ortho photography, scanned aerial photography as well as ancillary data sets containing land use information, field observations and personal communication with regional Queensland Government staff. Assignment of land use classes was based on ALUMC Version 8 (October 2016).


Lineage statement:
The land use features were identified using satellite image and ancillary data interpretation. The mapping is verified through field mapping and/or meeting with local officers or extension officers. Validation is conducted at the desktop using a stratified random sample of points.
Process step:
The existing 1999 baseline land use dataset (vector) formed the basis for the 2017 land use dataset. The 2017 dataset was created primarily by interpretation of Earth-I imagery, high-res orthophotography, scanned aerial photography and inclusion of expert local knowledge. This was achieved by overlaying the land use datasets on imagery and digitising or modifying areas previously omitted or incorrectly mapped . The DCDB, QVAS, Estates, Nature Refuge, Plantation, Queensland Herbarium Wetlands, Recreation Land and other point data (piggeries, aquaculture, feedlots, poultry farms, saw mills, sugar mills and cotton gins) datasets were used to assist in identification and delineation of property and land use type boundaries. Digitised areas of uniform land use type were assigned to land use classes according to ALUMC Version 8 (October 2016). Local authorities and regional Queensland Government and other State department officers supplied information and confirmed land uses not identified from the satellite images.
Queensland Government Land use mapping; Landsat TM, ETM+ and OLI imagery; Spot5/6/7 imagery; Earth-I imagery; High-res ortho photography through the Spatial Imagery Subscription Plan (SISP); Queensland Digital Cadastral Database (DCDB) (2017), Queensland Valuation and Sales Database (QVAS) (2017); Queensland Estates (2017); Scanned aerial photography (1997-2017). Additional verbal & written information on land uses & their locations was obtained from regional Queensland Government officers, Local Government Authorities, land owners & managers, private industry as well as from field observations. Other ancillary data sources include a range of existing digital datasets containing land use information from Queensland Government spatial data inventory and prepared for use in a GIS using ArcGIS.


Name/identifier: Queensland Spatial Catalogue
Specification: Download Service
Online resource: Ordering information:
Instructions: Open the Queensland Spatial Catalogue (QSpatial). Select the large SEARCH button and all available records are displayed. Select one of the four filter options provided and then the further options within the filter. The resultant search is then displayed. Select your record and complete the order.

Name/identifier: Queensland Land Use Web Service
Test specification:

Name/identifier: downloadableData
Version: 10.0
Specification: ESRI ArcGIS Server Geoportal Extension Content Type

Name/identifier: From the Queensland Spatial Catalogue as a file geodatabase.

Transfer size (megabytes): 260
Online resource:
Transfer options:
Online resource:
Website: Function: download

Web Service Finder:
Instructions: Use the URL to search QSpatial for web services displaying or using this dataset.

Metadata Reference Information

Hierarchy level (scope of the metadata): dataset
Identifier: {D61C79DA-70DA-4468-859C-95A5B811C877}
Parent identifier: {A1193985-8B0F-4A5B-BE79-1F990DF624B9}
Metadata date stamp: 2019-06-14
Language: eng
Character set: utf8
Metadata standard name: ISO 19115:2005, ANZLIC ISO 1.1
Metadata version name: QGIS