Survey control register - Queensland series

Survey control register - Queensland series


Title: Survey control register - Queensland series
Alternative title: Open Data
Date: 2022-05-22 (publication)
Presentation form code: mapDigital


Abstract / Description:
These datasets contain records of Queensland's geodetic survey control information. The database provides for the effective management of the geodetic survey control information for Queensland for which the Department of Resourcesis responsible under the Survey and Mapping Infrastructure Act 2003. The records contain: Registered number - number of survey control mark Local Authority - name of local authority Vertical Height - height of mark Vertical Datum - datum of the height.
Language: eng
Character set: unknown


ISO topic category codes: location

Spatial Data Information

Spatial representation type: vector
Coordinate Reference System EPSG code: EPSG:4939
Title: EPSG Geodetic Parameter
Date: 2007-07-16 (revision)
Edition: Version 6.13


Point of contact:
Organisation: Department of Resources
Organisation: Department of Resources


Progress status: onGoing
Maintenance and update frequency: continual

Data / Resource Constraints

Resource Access Level: -->
Security classification (ISO 19115): unclassified
Copyright: (as use constraint)
© State of Queensland (Department of Resources) 2023
Licence: (as use constraint)
This material is licensed under a Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 International licence.
Creative Commons License
The Department of Resourcesrequests attribution in the following manner:
© State of Queensland (Department of Resources) 2023.

Temporal and Spatial extents:

Bounding box:
West bounding longitude: 138
East bounding longitude: 155
South bounding latitude: -29.5
North bounding latitude: -9
Temporal extent:
Start: 1992-03-01 End: now 2016

Data Quality

Data quality scope:
Level: dataset


Lineage statement:
Data derived from :- 1. Permanent Mark Sketch Plans 2. Control Station Summaries 3. Cadastral Point Summaries 4. Survey Plans 5. Engineering Plans 6. Horizontal Adjustments 7. Vertical Adjustments 8. 3D Adjustments 9. Old SCDB (series index sequential files)


Name/identifier: Open Data
Test specification:

Name/identifier: Survey control register
Test specification:
Online resource:
Protocol: OGC:WMS-1.3.0-http-get-capabilities
Application profile: Web Map Service version 1.3.0
Name/identifier: SurveyControl
Description: See metadata above
Ordering information:
Fees: Nil
Instructions: For use in desktop and web applications capable of connecting to Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) web map service endpoints.
Some clients append request parameters for the service capabilities file so depending on your client in use you may have to remove the parameters when copying the url below.

Name/identifier: Survey control register
Online resource:
Protocol: WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link
Application profile: ArcGIS REST API
Name/identifier: SurveyControl
Description: See metadata above
Ordering information:
Fees: Nil
Instructions: For use in desktop and web applications capable of connecting to ArcGIS REST map service endpoints.

Name/identifier: Open Data

Transfer size (megabytes): 52
Transfer options:
Online resource:
Website: Function: download

Web Service Finder:
Instructions: Use the URL to search QSpatial for web services displaying or using this dataset.

Metadata Reference Information

Hierarchy level (scope of the metadata): series
Identifier: {723B7E1E-C0ED-499A-A4EB-35E946549BE4}
Metadata date stamp: 2022-05-22
Language: eng
Character set: utf8
Metadata standard name: ISO 19115:2005, ANZLIC ISO 1.1
Metadata version name: Minimum Validation