Coastline - QueenslandCoastline - Queensland
Title: Coastline - Queensland
Alternative title: Coastline
Presentation form code: mapDigital
Online resource:
Related resource:Identifier: nat.water_coastline
Relationship to related resource: source
Abstract / Description: This topographic polyline feature class displays the coastline of Queensland, including marine (offshore) islands.
Purpose: To provide a feature class displays the coastline of Queensland, including marine (offshore) islands. It is suitable for use in land administration, emergency and water management, monitoring of climate change, hydrological modelling, topographic and vegetation mapping and in the production of navigational and web based mapping applications.
Additional Information: The coastline is the boundary between the mainland, marine islands and the sea, and is generally defined as mean high water, except in the area of mangroves, where the coastline is depicted as the seaward edge of the mangroves. The coastline generally extends up estuaries to agree with the boundaries as depicted by the Queensland Drainage Basins dataset.
The coastline has been captured or updated from the best available imagery with an attribute within the data describing the source and reliability. Data sources include but not limited to:
- Queensland Orthophotography
- Satellite Imagery
- Geoscience Australia
Feature Types:
COASTLINE - The boundary between the mainland, marine islands, and the sea
COASTLINE JUNCTION - An artificial line between internal waters of the mainland and or marine islands and the sea.
FEATURE_TYPE (Feature Type) - Unique feature type that identifies the type of feature. (options: Coastline, Coastline Junction)
ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE (Attribute Source) - The source imagery, map, or data which defines what the feature is e.g., coastline
ATTRIBUTE_DATE (Attribute Date) - Date of the source imagery, map, or data used for defining what the feature is.
FEATURE_SOURCE (Feature Source) - The source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location and shape of the of the feature was obtained from.
FEATURE_DATE (Feature Date) - Date of the source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location and shape of the feature was obtained from.
FORMATION (Formation) - The formation of the stretch of coastline. (options: Coastline, Indefinite Coastline, Rocky Foreshore, Not Applicable) The formation type for all coastline junctions is “Not Applicable”
PFI (PFI) - A Persistent Feature Identifier (PFI) is generated once for each feature at the point of creation. The value of the PFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) until the feature is retired.
UFI (UFI) - A Unique Feature Identifier (UFI) is generated once for each new feature at the point of creation (at this point the PFI and UFI will be the same). The value of the UFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) unless the feature is split into multiple other parts. If the feature is split, the separate parts will retain the original PFI but new UFI’s will be generated for the split parts.
DIMENSION_M (Dimension (m)) - The length of the feature measured in metres (Albers projection)
UPPER_SCALE (Upper Scale) - The upper scale for which the feature should be considered suitable
TEXT_NOTE (Text Note) - For mapping purposes. Additional annotation that can be shown on a map.
ADD_INFORMATION (Additional Information) - A comment field (additional information)
This dataset is stored in an ESRI Geodatabase. Some columns names may be shortened if downloaded in the ESRI shape format.
Language: eng
Character set: unknown
ISO topic category codes: boundaries, oceans
Spatial Data Information
Spatial representation type: vector
Coordinate Reference System EPSG code: EPSG:7844
Title: EPSG Geodetic Parameter
Edition: Version 6.13
Point of contact: Organisation: Department of Resources
Owner: Organisation: Department of Resources
Progress status: onGoing
Maintenance and update frequency: asNeeded
Data / Resource Constraints
Resource Access Level:
Security classification (ISO 19115): unclassified
Copyright: (as use constraint)
© State of Queensland (Department of Resources) 2024
Licence: (as use constraint)
Temporal and Spatial extents:
Bounding box: West bounding longitude: 138.000
East bounding longitude: 155.000
South bounding latitude: -29.500
North bounding latitude: -9.0000
Temporal extent:
Start: 2009-01-01 End: 2024-11-21
Data Quality
Data quality scope:
Level: dataset
Completeness (omission):
Capture is complete and agrees with Topographic Data Product Description requirements.
Consistency (conceptual):
Data should be free from overshoots, undershoots, duplicate lines and agree with Topographic Data Product Description requirements with a 5% error status
Positional accuracy (external, absolute):
The horizontal positional accuracy of the data that has been used to compile the coastline within this dataset is as follows:
- Queensland Orthophotography +/- 2.5m
- Spot Satellite Imagery +/- 5m
The State Border has been compiled from the Queensland Digital Cadastral Database (DCDB) and the accuracy of the data is the accuracy of the DCDB at the time of capture.
Attribute accuracy (non quantitative):
Attribution is completed in accordance with Qld Department of Resources, Digital Topographic Data Specifications
Lineage statement:The coastline was digitized from the most current imagery by defining mean high water from sand coloration and debris lines. Where available, the highest astronomical tide line generated from LiDAR was used to help define the line. Were the line is obscured by vegetation, in particular mangroves; the seaward edge of the vegetation is adopted.
The coastline feature does not cross the entrances to large inland waterbodies. In these instances, a feature type Coastline Junction is used to seamlessly connect the coastline. Where single drainage lines meet the coastline, the coastline snaps to the drainage line.
This dataset is GDA2020 Compliant. The source data, and therefore the captured features, were captured as GDA94 (horizontal only). This data has been projected to GDA2020 by using ArcGIS Pro geoprocessing tool Project geoprocessing. Using geographic transformation parameters ‘GDA94 to GDA2020 NTv2 3 Conformal’.
The data has also been processed to remove any redundant vertices by using ArcGIS Pro’s Simplify Line geoprocessing tool. Retain critical points (Douglas-Peucker) method was used for the Simplification Algorithm and a Simplification tolerance of 0.25m. The data was further processed using an ESRI validation in a Repair Geometry geoprocessing tool and deleting any features with Null geometry.
Name/identifier: Queensland Spatial Catalogue
Specification: Download Service
Online resource:
Ordering information:Instructions: Open the Queensland Spatial Catalogue, (QSpatial). Select the large search button and all available records are displayed. Select one of the four filter options and then follow the prompts. The search results are then displayed. Select your record and complete your order.
Name/identifier: Coastline and state border
Test specification:
Online resource:
Ordering information:Fees: Nil
Instructions: For use in desktop and web applications capable of connecting to Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) web map service endpoints.
Some clients append request parameters for the service capabilities file so depending on your client in use you may have to remove the parameters when copying the url below.
Name/identifier: Coastline and state border
Online resource:
Ordering information:Fees: Nil
Instructions: For use in desktop and web applications capable of connecting to ArcGIS REST map service endpoints
Name/identifier: downloadableData
Version: 10.0
Specification: ESRI ArcGIS Server Geoportal Extension Content Type
Name/identifier: From the Queensland Spatial Catalogue available as ESRI Shape file SHP, MapInfo Tab file TAB, ESRI file geodatabase FGDB, Google file KMZ, and Geopackage version 1.0, 1.1, or 1.2 file GPKG
Transfer size (megabytes): 5
Online resource:
Transfer options:
Online resource:Website:
Function: download
Web Service Finder:Instructions: Use the URL to search QSpatial for web services displaying or using this dataset.
Metadata Reference Information
Hierarchy level (scope of the metadata): dataset
Identifier: {379F025D-469A-4394-8237-3A12969BFF0D}
Parent identifier: x
Metadata date stamp:
Language: eng
Character set: utf8
Metadata standard name: ISO 19115:2005, ANZLIC ISO 1.1
Metadata version name: QGIS