Local government area boundaries - Queensland

Local government area boundaries - Queensland


Title : Local government area boundaries - Queensland
Alternative title : Local Government Areas
Date : 2025-01-21 ( publication )
Other citation details:
Most local government areas are defined by the Local Government Regulation 2012 although Weipa Town is recognised as a Local Government Area under the Commonwealth Aluminium Corporation Pty Limited Agreement (Weipa Town Area) Regulation 1994 Sub Legislation No 339.
For coastal areas other than Brisbane, the LGA comprises the mainland and all islands above their respective sea-shores within the encompassed area. Brisbane LGA comprises the mainland and the whole of Fisherman, Green, Mud and St Helena Islands (being islands situated in or adjacent to Moreton Bay) above the low-water mark. The boundaries of Brisbane are defined by the City of Brisbane Regulation 2012.
Online resource: Related resource:
Relationship to related resource : source


Abstract / Description:
The spatial representation of local government areas in Queensland.
Additional Information:
From the 30 November 2015, there will no longer be reference to Parishes and Counties in the Departments land information systems, including the Digital Cadastral Database (DCDB) - a computerised map of property boundaries and related description of all land parcels in Queensland.

The Department of Resources will retain a record of parishes and counties for historical purposes. The Museum of Lands, Mapping and Surveying provides historical information about parishes and counties and the historical parish directory is available online.
If you obtain information or products from QSpatial, either the information will no longer contain parish and county details, or the parish and county fields will contain the words 'no longer used'.

DISCLAIMER: Users of the information recorded in this document (the Information) accept all responsibility and risk associated with the use of the Information and should seek independent professional advice in relation to dealings with property. Despite the department's best efforts, it makes no representations or warranties in relation to the Information, and, to the extent permitted by law, exclude or limit all warranties relating to correctness, accuracy, reliability, completeness or currency and all liability for any direct, indirect and consequential costs, losses, damages and expenses incurred in any way (including but not limited to that arising from negligence)in connection with any use of or reliance on the Information.
Language : eng
Character set : unknown


ISO topic category codes: boundaries

Spatial Data Information

Spatial representation type : vector
Coordinate Reference System EPSG code: EPSG:4938
Title : EPSG Geodetic Parameter
Date : 2007-07-16 ( revision )
Edition : Version 6.13


Point of contact :
Organisation : Department of Resources
Owner :
Organisation : Department of Resources


Progress status : completed
Maintenance and update frequency : continual

Data / Resource Constraints

Resource Access Level : -->
Security classification (ISO 19115) : unclassified
Copyright : (as use constraint)
© State of Queensland (Department of Resources) 2023
Licence : (as use constraint)
This material is licensed under a Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 International licence.
Creative Commons License
The Department of Resources requests attribution in the following manner:
© State of Queensland (Department of Resources) 2023.

Temporal and Spatial extents:

Bounding box:
West bounding longitude : 138.000
East bounding longitude : 153.551
South bounding latitude : -29.500
North bounding latitude : -9.000
Temporal extent:
Start: 2013 End: unknown 2021

Data Quality

Data quality scope:
Level : dataset
Completeness (omission):

Complete for all designated local government areas in the state.
On the 9th March 2017 two new attributes were added, LGA (Local Gov name in Upper and Lower case) and CA_AREA_SQKM (area of polygon in square kms).
Consistency (conceptual):

This product consists of contiguous polygons in a single layer.
Positional accuracy (external, absolute):

The positional accuracy of the data is equivalent to that of the Spatial Cadastre at the time of the extraction.
Attribute accuracy (non quantitative):

Attributes are Administrative Area Type, Administrative Area Name, and LGA Code. The attribute accuracy is 98% reliable.


Lineage statement:
Local Government Area (LGA) boundaries are aligned with cadastral boundaries as shown on the relevant local government boundary plans prescribed in legislation. The map boundaries are reflected in the Spatial Cadastre and each parcel has a local government attribute. To create this product, the Spatial Cadastre is extracted then dissolved based on the local government attribute. The resulting polygons are checked for errors against the previous version of the product.


Name/identifier : Queensland Spatial Catalogue
Specification : Download Service
Online resource: Ordering information:
Instructions : Open the Queensland Spatial Catalogue (QSpatial). Select the large SEARCH button and all available records are displayed. Select one of the four filter options provided and then the further options within the filter. The resultant search is then displayed. Select your record and complete the order.

Name/identifier : Local government boundaries
Test specification:
Online resource:
Protocol : OGC:WMS-1.3.0-http-get-capabilities
Application profile : Web Map Service version 1.3.0
Name/identifier : Local Government Areas
Description : The local government boundaries dataset is the spatial representation of the LGAs of Queensland. This dataset is updated to include any gazetted updates or amendments recorded in the Digital Cadastre
Website: https://spatial-gis.information.qld.gov.au/arcgis/services/Boundaries/AdminBoundariesFramework/MapServer/WMSServer?request=GetCapabilities&service=WMS
Ordering information:
Fees : Nil
Instructions : For use in desktop and web applications capable of connecting to Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) web map service endpoints.
Some clients append request parameters for the service capabilities file so depending on your client in use you may have to remove the parameters when copying the url below.

Name/identifier : Local government boundaries
Online resource:
Protocol : WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link
Application profile : ArcGIS REST API
Name/identifier : Local Government Areas
Description : The local government boundaries dataset is the spatial representation of the LGAs of Queensland. This dataset is updated to include any gazetted updates or amendments recorded in the Digital Cadastre
Website: https://spatial-gis.information.qld.gov.au/arcgis/rest/services/Boundaries/AdministrativeBoundaries/MapServer
Ordering information:
Fees : Nil
Instructions : For use in desktop and web applications capable of connecting to ArcGIS REST map service endpoints

Name/identifier : downloadableData
Version : 10.0
Specification : ESRI ArcGIS Server Geoportal Extension Content Type

Name/identifier : From the Queensland Spatial Catalogue available as ESRI Shape file SHP, MapInfo Tab file TAB, ESRI file geodatabase FGDB, Google file KMZ, and Geopackage version 1.0, 1.1, or 1.2 file GPKG

Transfer size (megabytes) : 5
Online resource:
Transfer options:
Online resource:
Website: Function : download

Web Service Finder:
Instructions: Use the URL to search QSpatial for web services displaying or using this dataset.

Metadata Reference Information

Hierarchy level (scope of the metadata) : dataset
Identifier : {4CBBE3B8-E49F-0145-DD6E-520352C9A68D}
Parent identifier : x
Metadata date stamp: 2012-12-06
Language : eng
Character set : utf8
Metadata standard name : ISO 19115:2005, ANZLIC ISO 1.1
Metadata version name : QGIS