Cadastral data weekly - whole of State Queensland

Cadastral data weekly - whole of State Queensland


Title: Cadastral data weekly - whole of State Queensland
Alternative title:
Date: 2024-07-22 (publication)
Presentation form code: mapDigital


Abstract / Description:
This dataset is a pre-packaged zip file containing the entire State cadastre in file geodatabase format. This data is updated weekly on Sunday and can be downloaded by searching the QSpatial website for 'Cadastral Data Queensland'.
No other format is available for this dataset. The dataset, 'Cadastral data - Queensland - by area of interest', allows you to extract data by local government area in four different formats including shapefile and tabfile.

Definition of spatial fields
O_SHAPE_Area (in SQM): is the area in square metres, for the parcel produced from data that is displayed in either GDA94 or 2020 Lat/Long spherical (does not represent surveyed area).

LOT_AREA (in SQM): is the area displayed on the Survey plan for the Lot (Lot 1 on MRY40) as represented in a 2D projection with distances measure in horizontal (planimetric).

CA_AREA_SQM (in SQM): is a system calculated area for the parcel polygon in a 2d projection environment UTM Easting & Northing, MGA projection with a local datum derived from either GDA 94 or 2020, allowing for UTM projection scale factor & limitations, reliability of the data, and any error produced when uploading the data, or other ambiguity such as ambulatory boundaries.
Additional Information:
A structure change in data has occurred due to an underlying vendor bug fix and software upgrade. This has resulted in the QAMF data being moved from inside the feature dataset, to outside. This will be the ongoing data format from 9/08/2020.
The Digital Cadastre is the spatial representation of every current parcel of land in Queensland, and its legal Lot on Plan description and relevant attributes. It provides the map base for systems dealing with land related information. The DCDB is considered to be the point of truth for the graphical representation of property boundaries. It is not the point of truth for the legal property boundary or related attribute information, this will always be the plan of survey or the related titling information and administrative data sets.

The data layers in the extracted Geodatabase(QLD_DCDB) file are:-
QLD_CADASTRE_DCDB - This layer represents the complete Cadastre.
QLD_CADASTRE_NATBDY - This layer is a subset of the complete Cadastre representing only those natural features which form part of a property boundary contained in the dataset.
QLD_CADASTRE_ROAD - This layer is a subset of the complete DCDB representing the road boundaries contained in the dataset.
QLD_CADASTRE_BUP_LOT - This layer is a subset of the complete dataset, representing all multi-level Building Unit lots contained in the dataset

From 30 November 2015, there is no longer reference to Parishes and Counties in the Department's land information systems, including the Digital Cadastre – a computerised map of property boundaries and related description of all land parcels in Queensland.

The Department of Resources will retain a record of parishes and counties for historical purposes. The Museum of Lands, Mapping and Surveying provides historical information about parishes and counties and the historical parish directory is available online.
If you obtain information or products from QSpatial, either the information will no longer contain parish and county details, or the parish and county fields will contain the words ‘no longer used’.

Further details about accuracies and other attributes can be found in the Queensland Interchange Format document available on the internet – type in ‘Cadastral Data QIF Specifications’ in an internet search tool to locate.
Language: eng
Character set: unknown


ISO topic category codes: planningCadastre

Spatial Data Information

Spatial representation type: vector
Coordinate Reference System EPSG code: EPSG:4283
Title: EPSG Geodetic Parameter
Date: 2007-07-16 (revision)
Edition: Version 6.13


Point of contact:
Organisation: Department of Resources
Organisation: Department of Resources


Progress status: onGoing
Maintenance and update frequency: weekly

Data / Resource Constraints

Resource Access Level: -->
Security classification (ISO 19115): unclassified
Use limitation: Users of the information recorded in this document (the Information) accept all responsibility and risk associated with the use of the Information and should seek independent professional advice in relation to dealings with property. Despite the department's best efforts, it makes no representations or warranties in relation to the Information, and, to the extent permitted by law, exclude or limit all warranties relating to correctness, accuracy, reliability, completeness or currency and all liability for any direct, indirect and consequential costs, losses, damages and expenses incurred in any way (including but not limited to that arising from negligence) in connection with any use of or reliance on the Information.
Copyright: (as use constraint)
© State of Queensland (Department of Resources) 2023
Licence: (as use constraint)
This material is licensed under a Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 International licence.
Creative Commons License
The Department of Resources requests attribution in the following manner:
© State of Queensland (Department of Resources) 2023.

Temporal and Spatial extents:

Bounding box:
West bounding longitude: 138
East bounding longitude: 155
South bounding latitude: -29.5
North bounding latitude: -9
Temporal extent:
Start: 1983-06-01 End: now 2021

Data Quality

Data quality scope:
Level: dataset
Completeness (omission):

New data entered into the Digital Cadastre is validated as part of the update process. New plan details are recorded in the database to a client service standard which states that 90% of all new registered plans be entered into the Digital Cadastre within 7 working days of the plan being registered in the titling system. The database is also updated for administrative advices and gazettal actions. The capture over the whole of the State is ongoing.

The easement layer in the digital cadastre does not represent the full set of current easements. When the digital cadastre was created, easements that were shown on current survey plans were included. As new plans are registered, easements that are shown on those plans are included when they appear on the title. However, other easements that have not been surveyed do not appear. Furthermore, the department does not have a process by which the issue, surrenders or partial surrenders of easements are notified to administrators of the digital cadastre.

A similar situation exists with covenants, profit a prendres and carbon abatement interest in that the Digital Cadastre may not represent a complete dataset due to processes in the titling system and the complexities in the way the interests are recorded.

Information about missing easements, encumbrances and interests can be sent to
The land title is the point of truth for easements and other restrictions.
Consistency (conceptual):

This version of the Digital Cadastre can be considered as a seamless map of the State and consists of base cadastral parcels. The base parcels are contiguous with surrounding base parcels. The graphic package and the routines that extract and reload update data to the database has a tolerance of 2mm on the ground. This tolerance may become significant in some proprietary systems and therefore an allowance will be necessary.

Spatial – Positional accuracy
Positional accuracy values have been allocated to all parcels in the Digital Cadastre. This value reflects 'maximum error' status of the polygons and has been derived from the capture process or assigned as the data has been upgraded. For this extraction, the 'maximum error' of parcels, expressed as a value, ranges from and a data-sourced statement. It has been established that the positional accuracy of the data should include a finite value representing the 'maximum error' based on the source map type, the scale and a digitising value component. Positional accuracy values are expressed in metres at a 95% confidence level.
Positional accuracy (external, absolute):

Positional accuracy values have been allocated to all parcels in the Digital Cadastre. This value reflects 'maximum error' status of the polygons and has been derived from the capture process or assigned as the data has been upgraded. For this extraction, the 'maximum error' of parcels, expressed as a value, ranges from and a data-sourced statement. It has been established that the positional accuracy of the data should include a finite value representing the 'maximum error' based on the source map type, the scale and a digitising value component. Positional accuracy values are expressed in metres at a 95% confidence level.
Attribute accuracy (non quantitative):

The attributes in the Digital Cadastre are acquired from a number of sources within the Department. Each polygon has a unique identifier called a segment-parcel number. The following attributes are attached to each polygon based on the polygon centroid which is the segment-parcel number:

Accuracy value, County name, Coverage type,
Feature name, Feature name alias, Local Government code,
Local Government code, Locality code, Locality name,
Lot area value, Lot area excluded value, Lot area calculated value,
Lot area volume, Lot number, Lot/Plan number,
Parcel indicator code, Parcel number, Parcel type,
Parish code, Parish name, Plan number,
Segment number, Segment/parcel number, Survey indicator,
Tenure code

The lot on plan attribute can have a one to many relationship with the polygons. There are also system generated values, object id code is a unique number for each polygon which is created on each download extraction, length/area values are calculated from the geometry of the polygon based on the coordinate reference of the data being downloaded, a shape type and a link to generate a DNRM Smartmap.

The original validation process consisted of the visual inspection and or comparison of hard copy output compared to the departmental cadastral working maps and update plans. New update plans are committed to the database through a supervisor signoff process. There are several system validation procedures in the maintenance process and these are run at a required frequency. The estimated accuracy of the attribute information is 98%.


Lineage statement:
The Digital Cadastre was created by digitising existing cadastral maps at a variety of scales and accuracies. These mapping scales ranged from Standard 1:2500 to 1:250000, Provisional 1:2500 to 1:253400 and mapping such as Parish and Town maps. At the initial capture, existing control identified from the Survey Control Database, topographic maps, photogrammetric and orthophoto compilations were used as part of the digitising process. A positional accuracy value has been allocated to all parcels in the database. The value reflects the maximum error status of the parcel and has been derived from the capture process or assigned as the Digital Cadastre has been upgraded. The maximum error at the time of capture ranged from +/- 1.5m to +/- 637m. The maximum error status is based on an assumed plotting accuracy for the source mapping. Positional errors can exceed this value, due to a range of factors including the accuracy of the information that was used to prepare the source mapping.
At the time of the graphical capture, a segment/parcel number was allocated to uniquely describe each parcel of land. Attribute information collected from plans and maps was then linked to the segment/parcel number to form the relationship between the graphics and the attributes. A double entry process of keying in the attributes was done to eliminate any keying in errors.
The Digital Cadastre is continuously updated by inputting boundary measurements from registered plans and from attribute updates from government gazettes and other administrative notifications. The department has a client service standard that 90% of all new registered plans be entered into the Digital Cadastre within 7 working days of the plan being registered in the titling system.
Process step:
The Digital Cadastre data is extracted from ESRI SDE Geodatabase and exported to ESRI File Geodatabase.


Name/identifier: Queensland Spatial Catalogue
Specification: Download Service
Online resource: Ordering information:
Instructions: Open the Queensland Spatial Catalogue (QSpatial). Select the large SEARCH button and all available records are displayed. Select one of the four filter options provided and then the further options within the filter. The resultant search is then displayed. Select your record and complete the order.

Name/identifier: downloadableData
Version: 10.0
Specification: ESRI ArcGIS Server Geoportal Extension Content Type

Name/identifier: From Queensland Spatial Catalogue available as ESRI File Geodatabase.

Transfer size (megabytes): 1020
Online resource:
Transfer options:
Online resource:
Website: Function: download

Web Service Finder:
Instructions: Use the URL to search QSpatial for web services displaying or using this dataset.

Metadata Reference Information

Hierarchy level (scope of the metadata): dataset
Identifier: {2CED9850-1B25-4438-BEAE-B13CE8CA59EF}
Parent identifier: {B7BCD0C6-56A9-42FE-A35D-36FB775A819A}
Metadata date stamp: 2024-07-22
Language: eng
Character set: utf8
Metadata standard name: ISO 19115:2005, ANZLIC ISO 1.1
Metadata version name: QGIS