Queensland LiDAR Data - Mackay 2015 Project

Queensland LiDAR Data - Mackay 2015 Project


Title: Queensland LiDAR Data - Mackay 2015 Project
Alternative title: Offline data
Date: 2015-08-05 (publication)
Presentation form code: modelDigital


Abstract / Description:
This project captured high resolution elevation data using LiDAR technology over sections of the coastal area from Midge Point to Armstrong beach and some inland areas within the Mackay Regional Council. Scroll down to Additional Information and copy each URL into your browser to order and download individual data tiles in GeoTIFF and LAS format.
To provide highly accurate elevation data for use in risk assessment, the management of natural disasters, infrastructure planning, developing strategies to support climate change, topographic mapping and modelling.
Additional Information:
This data is not downloadable via QSpatial.
Data in Classified.las and GeoTIFF 1m Digital Elevation Model formats is freely available for download from the ELVIS – Elevation and Depth – Foundation Spatial Data portal developed under the auspices of the Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping (ICSM) at http://elevation.fsdf.org.au/
For other formats below, contact support@spatial-qld-support.atlassian.net

AVAILABLE DATASET FORMATS (in 1km x 1km tiles):
- Classified las (LiDAR Data Exchange Format where strikes are classified as ground, non-ground, vegetation or building)
- Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in GeoTIFF (1 metre grid)
- Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in ASCII xyz (1 metre grid) – fees apply
- Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in ESRI ASCII grid (1 metre grid) – fees apply
- 25 centimetre contours in ESRI Shape – fees apply

e.g. 455000_7046000_1k_1m_DEM.xyz
455000 - Coordinate easting of north-west tile corner
7046000 - Coordinate northing of north-west tile corner
1k - tile dimension, e.g. 1km x 1km
1m_DEM - Digital Elevation Model with 1m grid spacing

.las (laser strikes classified in accordance with ASPRS V1.1 LAS file standards various point class levels)
.tif (GeoTiff format)
.xyz (space delimited ASCII format)
.asc (ESRI ASCII Grid format)
.shp (ESRI shape format)

AVAILABLE LiDAR DATASETS - Mackay 2015 Project
Bloomsbury_2015_Twn - https://elevation.fsdf.org.au/?maxx=148.642141&maxy=-20.683628&minx=148.574566&miny=-20.720385&metadata=496E5014-FDBA-4C12-AC2B-8E0128058F18
Eton_2015_Twn - https://elevation.fsdf.org.au/?maxx=148.995384&maxy=-21.239863&minx=148.946495&miny=-21.294606&metadata=496E5014-FDBA-4C12-AC2B-8E0128058F18
Hogans_Pocket_2015_Loc - https://elevation.fsdf.org.au/?maxx=148.996361&maxy=-21.339191&minx=148.947803&miny=-21.366847&metadata=496E5014-FDBA-4C12-AC2B-8E0128058F18
Mackay_2015_Rgn - https://elevation.fsdf.org.au/?maxx=149.344646&maxy=-20.985395&minx=148.838976&miny=-21.509813&metadata=496E5014-FDBA-4C12-AC2B-8E0128058F18
Midge_Point_2015_Twn - https://elevation.fsdf.org.au/?maxx=148.73748&maxy=-20.619915&minx=148.669855&miny=-20.665287&metadata=496E5014-FDBA-4C12-AC2B-8E0128058F18
Seaforth_Ball_Bay_2015_Rgn - https://elevation.fsdf.org.au/?maxx=149.067575&maxy=-20.860821&minx=148.91286&miny=-20.978874&metadata=496E5014-FDBA-4C12-AC2B-8E0128058F18
Language: eng
Character set: unknown


ISO topic category codes: elevation

Spatial Data Information

Coordinate Reference System EPSG code: EPSG:28355
Title: EPSG Geodetic Parameter
Date: 2007-07-16 (revision)
Edition: Version 6.13
Projection: MGA55
Horizontal Datum: GDA94
Vertical Datum: AHD


Point of contact:
Organisation: Department of Resources
Organisation: Department of Resources


Progress status: completed
Maintenance and update frequency: notPlanned

Data / Resource Constraints

Resource Access Level: -->
Security classification (ISO 19115): unclassified
Use limitation: The State of Queensland, as represented by the Department of Resources, gives no warranty in relation to the data (including accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for a particular purpose).
Copyright: (as use constraint)
© State of Queensland (Department of Resources) 2023
Licence: (as use constraint)
This material is licensed under a Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 International licence.
Creative Commons License
The Department of Resources requests attribution in the following manner:
© State of Queensland (Department of Resources) 2023
Intellectual property rights: (as use constraint)
Department of Resources

Temporal and Spatial extents:

Bounding box:
West bounding longitude: 148.670
East bounding longitude: 149.346
South bounding latitude: -21.514
North bounding latitude: -20.612
Temporal extent:
Start: 2015-08-05 End: 2015-08-20

Data Quality

Data quality scope:
Level: dataset
Positional accuracy (external, absolute):

Spatial Accuracy Horizontal: +/- 0.4m (95% confidence level) in clear open ground
Spatial Accuracy Vertical: +/- 0.15m (95% confidence level)in clear open ground


Lineage statement:
ACQUISITION: Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) data was acquired from a fixed wing aircraft between 5 and 20 August 2015.

GPS base station support was provided by CORS without incident. The ground check points acquired by contractors allowed an assessment of the accuracy of the ALS data.
Process step:
Classification Level 2 according to the Australian ICSM LiDAR Specifications:
Laser strikes were classified into ground and non-ground points using a single algorithm across the project area. Manual checking and editing of the data classification further improved the quality of the terrain model to achieve 98% classification accuracy. Culverts were also classified, Class13. Automatic classification of buildings and vegetation.
Reduction of the ALS data proceeded without any significant problems. Laser strikes were classified into ground and non-ground points using a single algorithm across the project area. Manual checking and editing of the data classification further improved the quality of the terrain model.
Further Processing: ArcGIS 9.2 Terrain Grids were derived using the Natural Neighbor interpolation. This method uses the closest triangles and applies weights to the proportionate areas from the grid cell centroid to interpolate the value. It uses known elevation data, it does not make any predictions regarding the surface and accurately depicts existing troughs and peaks in the data and supports irregular point spacing, which suits the nature LiDAR data.
The contours supplied on this volume are designated CARTOGRAPHIC CONTOURS only. They are compiled from a rigorous triangulation of the supplied data. Some cartographic licence has been applied. They are intended to provide a visual representation of the terrain data and are not suitable to be used as a cartographic map.
Ground definition in vegetated terrain may contain localized areas with systematic errors or outliers which fall outside this accuracy estimate. The definition of the ground may be less accurate in isolated pockets of dissimilar terrain/vegetation/cropland combinations.
Device Name: Riegl Q1560
Half Scan Angle:30 degrees
Laser Pulse Rate:300kHz
Laser Scan Frequency:160 Kts
Laser Pulse Mode:Single Pulse
Laser Return Types:1st, 2nd,3rd and last

Sensor/Lens serial ID: H67_017
Flying Height (Above MSL): 1850
Number of Runs:56
Number of Cross Runs:5
Side Overlap: 18%
Swath Width: N/A

Average Point Density: 2 point per square metre
Laser Point Size: 0.3

Metadata Reference Information

Hierarchy level (scope of the metadata): dataset
Identifier: {46F32A84-21E8-478E-929D-2C2761051442}
Metadata date stamp: 2016-04-07
Language: eng
Character set: utf8
Metadata standard name: ISO 19115:2005, ANZLIC ISO 1.1
Metadata version name: Minimum Validation