Contours - 5 metre - Queensland series

Contours - 5 metre - Queensland series


Title: Contours - 5 metre - Queensland series
Alternative title: Open Data
Date: 2016-08-16 (publication)
Presentation form code: mapDigital
Online resource:


Abstract / Description:
This data is a collection of 5 metre contours covering South East, Central and North Queensland.

The original datasets that these dataset has been compiled from were captured over an extended period of time using photogrammetric methods. Attributes within the data describe the age and resolution of the source imagery that the original datasets were captured from.

The data was generally captured to 1:25000 mapping specifications with a 5 metre contour interval.
Language: eng
Character set: unknown


ISO topic category codes: elevation

Spatial Data Information

Spatial representation type: vector
Coordinate Reference System EPSG code: EPSG:4283
Title: EPSG Geodetic Parameter
Date: 2007-07-16 (revision)
Edition: Version 6.13


Point of contact:
Organisation: Department of Resources
Delivery point: 1 William Street
City: Brisbane
State: Queensland
Postcode: 4000
Country: Australia
Organisation: Department of Resources


Progress status: completed
Maintenance and update frequency: asNeeded

Data / Resource Constraints

Resource Access Level: -->
Security classification (ISO 19115): unclassified
Copyright: (as use constraint)
© State of Queensland (Department of Resources) 2023
Licence: (as use constraint)
This material is licensed under a Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 International licence.
Creative Commons License
The Department of Resources requests attribution in the following manner:
© State of Queensland (Department of Resources) 2023.

Temporal and Spatial extents:

Bounding box:
West bounding longitude: 138
East bounding longitude: 155
South bounding latitude: -29.5
North bounding latitude: -9

Data Quality

Data quality scope:
Level: dataset


Lineage statement:
This original datasets that this dataset has been compiled from were captured using photogrammetry. Data captured prior to the early 1990s was captured using an analytical method of photogrammetry. This means that contours were captured and transposed directly onto stable film (called repromats). This plotted line work was then used in the mapping process. To convert this line work to digital data, a project was undertaken in the 2000s to scan and digitise these repromats. Heights were recorded on the repromats which was transposed to the digital data as an elevation attribute. In the early 1990s, this analytical process was replaced by a digital method where the data was captured directly as 3D data in a digital format.

The original datasets were stored in department servers in 1:25000 map tiles in MGA94 (GDA94) and generally in 1:100000 blocks which had the same source information. These individual tiles have been merged based on the source information and elevation value into continuous line strings across 1:25000 map tile boundaries using ArcGIS in Latitude/Longitude (GDA94). The elevation value is stored within the data has an attribute.

Those early features that had an imperial contour interval had the elevation value converted to the nearest minute.

The Contours - 5 metre - Queensland dataset were all of the states 5 metre contours are stored is an ESRI Geodatabase that agrees with the Geoscience Australia Topographic Database Schema in Latitude/Longitude (GDA94). This downloadable dataset is a subset of the ESRI Geodatabase that has been converted to ESRI Shape format. Some columns names have been altered to allow for the shortened column name description in the shape format.

Feature Types:
Imperial Contour - An imaginary line on the ground joining points of equal elevation at a regular spacing that is measured in feet above the Australian Height Datum. This feet measurement was converted to the nearest metre (in this dataset it generally varies between 7 or 8 metres)
Index Contour - An imaginary line representing every fifth intermediate contour (in this dataset at 25 metre intervals)
Intermediate Contour - An imaginary line on the ground joining points of equal elevation at a regular spacing above the Australian Height Datum (in this dataset at 5 metre intervals)

Feature - Unique feature type that identifies the topographic feature e.g. Index Contour
Name - The name of the feature (if available)
Elevation - The elevation of the feature above the Australian Height Datum
SourceDate - Reliability date of the source information
Source - The imagery, map or data that the spatial location of the feature was obtained from.
AttDate - Reliability date of the document or authority that the name of the feature was acquired from.
AttSource - The source (imagery, map or data) used for attributing (naming) of the feature. If no name is present then the attribute source will be the imagery, map or data used to define the feature type e.g. town water supply
PlanAccur - Planimetric Accuracy - The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy.
ElevAccur - Elevation Accuracy - The accuracy of the vertical elevation of the data


Name/identifier: Open Data
Test specification:

Name/identifier: Open Data

Transfer size (megabytes): 1308
Transfer options:
Online resource:
Website: Function: download

Web Service Finder:
Instructions: Use the URL to search QSpatial for web services displaying or using this dataset.

Metadata Reference Information

Hierarchy level (scope of the metadata): series
Identifier: {21565D0B-002C-4161-9DA4-75AEB2F27464}
Metadata date stamp: 2016-08-16
Language: eng
Character set: utf8
Metadata standard name: ISO 19115:2005, ANZLIC ISO 1.1
Metadata version name: Minimum Validation